Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Honor Killings

Honor Killings

Honor Killings is: the murder of a family or a clan member by one or more fellow family members.The ireporters concerning culture practices in the family that they are towards woman indicated that honor killings had been reported in Egypt, Jordan ,Lebanon ,Morocco ,Pakistan ,Punjab, Syrian Arab Repablic, Turkey, Yemen and other Mediterranean and Persian Gulf countries.These killings result from the perception that udefense of honour justifies killing a person whose behavior dishonor their clan or family.During 2002 in Pakistan it is estimated that 245 woman and 137 men were killed in the name of Karo-Kari in Sindh. The estimated amount of people that died in a year are over 5,000 people woman and men.
Honor suicides is a recent phenomenon of Honour suicides that occurs in Turkey. In this situation there have been many cases when people order or pressure a woman to kill herself beacuse maybe this may be done so people avoid penalties of murdering her. In Iraq woman in Diyala were forced into honor suicides.
In 2005 in Europe six Muslim woman she was killed by her brother because she didnt wanted to stay with her hasband of forced of marriage. South Asia is one of the worst reported continents for honor killings.Honor Killings it doesn't have laws so it is not a law in some countries but as in my opinion i dont think it should be like that.There are a lot of murders and killings in the world for many reasons, i think everybody should try to do something abou it and expecially the person who has the most power beacuse now the newas are reporded everywere and this affects many people aswell as tourist that come for holidays maybe they can be involved in this situation of Honor Killings.

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